Reach your goals

Become a captain

Develop key competences that drive personal growth and that are the basis for success in sports practice.

Develop your talent

Access unique opportunities: experiences, training or sports scholarships.

Become professional

Working on key capacities and developing personal competences to face challenges of football.

IQS methodology

We take care of all aspects of your progress by analyzing the 6 key capacities of Footballer/Person:

Ability to execute movements in the desired way. Coordination of motor control with space-time. Related to technique.

Ability to capture and process stimuli that the player might receive from his environment to identify possibilities of action. Related to tactics.

Ability to control their thoughts, focus, overcome and persevere facing adversity.

Ability to establish and manage relationships that are generated between the player and others (team players, club members, family, friends, colleagues and teachers …)

Ability to find different ways of solving situations posed according to changing situations of environment.

Ability to recognize one’s own feelings and channel them to act according to their own will.

We help the young athlete to develop their abilities, their emotional self-knowledge and their self-confidence so that they reach their maximum potential.


Data collection through questionnaires covered by:

  • Coach
  • Teammates
  • Parents
  • Teacher


We analyze collected data and evaluate 6 key capacities of integral footballer:

  • Coordinative
  • Cognitive
  • Mental
  • Social-affective
  • Expressive-creative
  • Emotive-wilful


360º player view, through a detailed report of all their capacities.


Individualized proposal with aspects to improve regarding each of the capacities.


We accompany parents in their children's education, so that they take care of all aspects of it.